Monday, November 10, 2008

Fox 61 Studio--Election Night

The opportunity to visit the Fox 61 studio in Hartford is not one that arises every day. It was a unique experience that was very educational. Being a broadcast journalism major, the chance to see the behind the scenes aspect of a studio was very exciting. Although I have taken classes in the mock studio we have at Quinnipiac University, I enjoyed seeing the real thing. What I found most interesting was the studio itself, and the back wall that rises for the morning show to create a different atmosphere fascinated me. Something as simple as a rising back drop can make such a difference when watching on television. Another aspect was that during the evening news the back drop is down, so anything going on behind the anchor desk can be seen on air.
Being able to see the anchors perform live was also very education. Watching the anchors execute techniques I have learned in classes gave me a new perspective on how to go about them. I also enjoyed my experience in the control room. The producer had to make split second decisions on what to cut, and how to basically form the news that would shortly be aired. Hoping one day to be a producer, actually being able to see how it is done was very educational, and although it is a stressful and demanding position I hope to one day achieve that success. The experience as a whole was one I would not trade for anything. Even the simplicity of observing the news and all that takes to air it, has given me a new and exciting perspective on the world of broadcast, and I look forward to hopefully breaking into that field.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ethics in Journalism

According to the Society of Professional Journalism’s code of ethics “the duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues.” During this election year journalists have been doing just that, reporting on the every move of the presidential candidates. When asked if it was ethically correct to pry into the personal lives of the presidential candidates’ four out of six Quinnipiac students said yes.

When the New York Times published a story back in February 2008 about Senator McCain and his alleged affair with a lobbyist some saw this as nothing more than political gossip. Junior Anthony Mauti said “What the Senator does in his personal life is his own business everyone has a right to some privacy.” Others felt that the personal lives of the candidates should be further explored. Junior Jennifer Higgins said “As a potential president we have the right to know about his personal life. His actions reflect on his integrity. Even though we should focus more on the issues at hand, his personal choices do affect the American public and should be taken into account when voting.”

As the American people we have a right to know about the actions of a future president. Their personal lives and choices reflect heavily on their character. Junior Sam Bastoni said “It is morally wrong to pry into someone’s personal life. However, when you are running for president your life becomes public knowledge and your actions affect the country as a whole. If you make poor decisions in your own personal life, who is to say you won’t make poor choices as president. Ethically, we have the right to know.”

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


If you’re a fan of George W. Bush, then the movie W is not for you. Writer Stanley Weiser hit the nail on the head when describing our 43rd president. Weiser accurately portrays the Commander in Chief embodying his inconsistent work ethic all the way to the infamous pretzel that almost took his life. The script is witty and satirical appealing to those who feel Bush and his administration are more like a comedic team of errors rather than our nation’s leaders.

Josh Brolin, who plays Bush in the film, has imitating our dear leader down to an art. Brolin personifies Bush’s mannerisms in way that makes it seem as if they were his own. Lines like “latte sipping lefty’s” and “any kind of government will do as long as its democracy” seem almost as if they were taken straight from the horse’s mouth.

The film is not all fun and games in fact most of the two hour and nine minute film is quite serious. While Weiser pokes fun at junior’s antics back when he is a frat boy at Yale he also opens the door to Bush’s prior problem with alcohol. Some may believe that guzzling Jack Daniels in the basement of the fraternity house causes one to develop alcoholism, rather Bush’s love for the juice derived from his constant failure in the eyes of his father.

By the end of the film Weiser has you almost feeling sorry for the man who has sullied our country’s good name for the past eight years. Triumphing over alcoholism and winning the election, twice no less, shows Mr. President in a positive light, only to shoot him back down to where he belongs when he realizes that his term in its entirety has been nothing but an utter failure.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Slacker Uprising

What does it take to get over 21 million college students to vote? The answer is clean underwear and Ramen noodles. In 2004 documenter Michael Moore campaigned around the country to 62 college campuses located in swing states, handing out these items in return for the students’ promise to vote in the election that year. Moore, with his trusty camera crew only a few steps behind, compiled his findings to create “Slacker Uprising” a documentary so mind-blowing he released it for free on the internet.

Understanding the promise of clean clothing and food is enticing for college students, it seemed as though the students may have attended Moore's rally for more than just free dinner, or the chance to put off their laundry for just one more day. Some of these slackers actually felt strongly about the message Moore was trying to portray, while others were quick to protest his presence on their campus. While students opinions on the filmmaker were split, those most opposed to Michael Moore were republican supports trying to bribe the student event coordinators with up to $100,000 to cancel Moore’s appearance . All but one college campus showed they could not be bought out by rejecting the hefty offer. With the exception of California State University- San Marcos, who cancelled the event on campus, and moved it to a bigger arena close by, as a way of “sticking it” to their administration.

Moore’s campaigning swayed 54 out of the 62 college campuses to vote against public enemy number one the Bush Administration. It did him no good seeing as they are still in power today. Maybe next time Moore should spend less time focusing on the slackers, who will attend anything for a free meal, and focus on persuading his own generation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Online Journalism Review-- Blogs/Website for College Students

I chose this article because it relates to what we are doing in our own class. Before our class, very few of us had blogs, and those who did barely used them. After serveral weeks we have come to learn the importance of blogs and their place within advancing technology. It was a comfort for me to learn that it is not only our school that is behind on blogging and personal websites. After reading this article (and listening in class) I have learned the importance of blogging and the options that it opens up. Blogs/personal websites extend possibilities for careers after college, and also give students oppertunities to make money. I feel this article is very informative for students and stresses the importance of blogging to further your future.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do Personal Assets Affect Student Voting?

According to MSNBC Republican presidential candidate John McCain has called fellow Americans “A nation of whiners” when discussing the current housing crisis. During an interview with Politico back in August McCain could not even recall how many houses his wife and himself own. It was later released that the McCain’s own a total of seven homes across America.

Website, Prosebeforehos has recorded Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is worth 25 times more than the average American household. Even with this being true Obama still has the lowest assets of all candidates.

Six Quinnipiac students were informed about the total assets of both McCain and Obama. The students were then asked if the knowledge of these assets and would affect their vote come election time. Four out of the six said no.

Junior, Samantha Bastoni said “Considering the economic situation that our country is presently in McCain should not be calling Americans a nation of whiners. The number of houses he has will not affect my voting. However, his view of American citizens will.”

Students felt stronger about McCain’s view of the public rather than his personal assets. According to the students Obama’s possession of significantly less assets would not affect their vote either.

Tristan Blank, junior at the university, said “It doesn’t matter whether Obama has less or more assets than McCain, what matters is how they plan on bettering our economy.”

Not all students felt this way. Junior Laura Murphy said her vote would be affected by the assets of the candidates. “Not knowing how many houses you have is ridiculous. Even though being wealthy and being able to manage money well shouldn’t affect my views of the candidates, it does. How do you expect to run a country if you can’t even keep track of your houses?”

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rock the Vote

“Options are the fruit of life. Take advantage of them” were the parting words of Cyrus, a participant from the Real World Boston as he closed the event Rock the Vote last Friday at Quinnipiac University. Rock the Vote is an MTV run event hosted on college campuses nationwide.

The event takes place during election years. Its purpose is to encourage college students to get involved in political issues, and understand the importance of voting. This year’s representatives, Brooke and Cyrus have been traveling the country to numerous college campuses to spread the word of how important voting really is.

Rock the Vote is not just about the significance of the right to vote, instead it is a way for college students to not only educate themselves, but interactively share their opinions on crucial political issues. A question and answer portion of the event allows students to introduce a certain political issue, and then discuss with the two reality stars all their feelings on the topic. Rather than a lecture, Rock the Vote is a debate between college students and the hosts.

Brooke and Cyrus also got a chance to talk about their issues of importance, some of which include healthcare, economy, and the environment. By at first stating their fears and concerns about these issues, the two opened the floor to the students who openly stated their views on the topics as well.

Altogether the event was a success. The turnout was surprising for the University, being that Quinnipiac is the second most apathetic college campus in America according to the Princeton Review. The students who feel strongly about political concerns and who truly want to educate themselves made it a point to attend, participate, learn, and most importantly be a part of something.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lost Remote -- Facebook

The facebook blog on I feel makes a very valid point. The blogger is discussing a recent change in the website design of a popular networking site, Facebook. He is saying that although everyone is agaisnt change, it is out of their control. And also, that in the long run, it is just a website, not life or death. Those who continue to complain and rally against "the new facebook" are simply wasting their time on something so menial. I like this blog for another reason as well, I believe that it portrays a good essence of what a blog should be. It is a public personal opinion. It is like an online diary, this blogger mainly states what is on his mind and what has annoyed him in a way. It allows viewers to read his opinion, and interact with him about it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CTWebBlog. com
I took a particular liking to the website for starters because the colors attracted my interest. Although this a very small part of a website I feel it is important for the site to be attractive and the colors draw my attention. I also feel that this website brings personality in that it is directed mainly towards the state of Connecticut. It brings it to a local level allowing viewers to see what others are saying in their state. The website also includes some national news on a local level which I feel is very important. It ranges from blogs about the UConn huskies to stories that we published in the NY Times. As much as people are concerned with what is happening nationally they are more concerned with what national aspects will affect them personally. Also, the site includes other aspects that are not just primarily about the news. It allows people to read about certain things that may not be of national concern, such as someone’s experience with a new job. I feel that this is important because it adds a personal touch allowing the viewer to reference the website for advice from fellow peers as well. The site is easy to follow with its bright orange headlines. These pop out of the screen allowing the viewer to easily find the article they are interested in.

Federal Defense of Marriage Act and its Influence on College Students

According to More than two-thirds of people under 35 favor recognition for gay marriage. Republican presidential candidate John McCain stated his position that he supports the Federal Defense of Marriage Act(, which allows for the denial of federal recognition of same-sex marriages by the state.

When eight Quinnipiac University students were asked if McCain’s support of this act would affect their decision, the majority said yes. All but two students agreed that McCain’s support for the act would influence their vote. Junior, at Quinnipiac University said “I think that it is completely unfair and prejudice of anyone to try and deny federal funding to same sex couples. It has no effect on anyone outside of the two people who want to get married and no one should be able to tell them what they can and cannot do. McCain’s support for this act will definitely have an influence on my vote.”

Not everyone interviewed felt the same way. Junior Matt Tremper said “Although I feel that the act is unfair and no one should be denied of their rights, it will not influence my vote, there are many more important issues and this one just doesn’t affect me.”

This issue does affect college students like Tammi Bencivenga, junior at the university. She said “I have a gay cousin and I want him to be able to enjoy the same freedoms that everyone else does. It is unfair to deny him funding because of how he chooses to live his life. By McCain supporting this act he is saying to me that gay couples don’t deserve equal rights.”

Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama vs McCain on Gay Marraige

With the upcoming presidential election just around the corner, American citizens are weighing the “Pro’s and Con’s” of both candidates. For most the decision is made based upon which issue is most important to them. Whether the topic is social security, health care, or abortion, the candidate with whom you most agree is the one you wish to see in office. For same sex couples, their topic of concern is gay marriage, a continuous battle homosexuals have been fighting for quite some time. Luckily there have been many advances in state legislation to legalize gay marriage and all of its entities. Carol Buckheit, a representative for Love Makes a Family, an organization located in Hartford, CT says “In our view, treating same-sex couples differently under the law is unconstitutional. We are calling on our courts and legislators to give these couples equal protection under the law.” Republican candidate Senator McCain’s position on the issue is not so accepting. Although he does not believe that a ban on gay marriage should be a constitutional amendment, he also feels that same sex couples should not reap the same benefits as a traditional marriage. However, opposing Democratic candidate Senator Obama, believes same sex marriages, should receive the same rights as those who are traditionally married. Carol Buckheit, when asked in general terms which candidate had a more fair position she says, “Senator Obama’s position on equality for homosexuals is more supportive than Senator McCain’s. Senator Obama supports benefits and protections for same-sex couples and a fully-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He also opposes the federal marriage amendment and bans on adoption for homosexuals. Senator McCain does not support many of these things.” So for those who are planning a same-sex lifestyle the choice is obvious.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I chose this article mostly for the quotes by those who are gay and have married. It just reiterates the point that gay couples want the same benifits as those who are striaght. We are in no place to tell them they should not be able to enjoy the same ammenitites as we do.

Although I do not know how relevant this website is, it brought me much enjoyment. I chose it because it is a collection of some of the truly dumb things people believe about may marriage. The University of Florida's Gator Gay-Straight Alliance pokes fun at some of the steryotypical myths that follow gay marriage.

gay marriage

I chose this article because it makes a specific point that I feel is important. In the article it is disscussing using the term civil union as opposed to marriage for two homosexuals who wish to share their life together. I feel that it is important for gay marriage to be just that, a marriage, not a civil union or a partnership. Marriage is something that is controlled by the state. In hisorty class throughout the years it has become common knowledge that there is a seperation between church and state. So if marriage is controlled by the state, then why should it even be an issue. It is the states duty to uphold equality for all its citizens. Civil union instead of marriage is seperate but equal. We already have learned through the civil rights movement that seperate does not always mean equal. So in order to make the situation equal, there is no other option but to call it what it is, a marrige.

I have chosen this clip of Obama because gay marriage is an important issue and he feels similarly to me as to how it should be an equality for all. At a young age everyone learns that discrimination is wrong, all people are created equal, and that you should not judge any one based on race, gender, ect. We are told that there should be equal rights for everyone, but then we limit those who can use them. If there were laws that said two African-American people could not marry, that would be wrong. It would be seen as racist and discriminatory. So what makes it right to do the same to homosexuals. My point being, it's not.