Tuesday, October 21, 2008


If you’re a fan of George W. Bush, then the movie W is not for you. Writer Stanley Weiser hit the nail on the head when describing our 43rd president. Weiser accurately portrays the Commander in Chief embodying his inconsistent work ethic all the way to the infamous pretzel that almost took his life. The script is witty and satirical appealing to those who feel Bush and his administration are more like a comedic team of errors rather than our nation’s leaders.

Josh Brolin, who plays Bush in the film, has imitating our dear leader down to an art. Brolin personifies Bush’s mannerisms in way that makes it seem as if they were his own. Lines like “latte sipping lefty’s” and “any kind of government will do as long as its democracy” seem almost as if they were taken straight from the horse’s mouth.

The film is not all fun and games in fact most of the two hour and nine minute film is quite serious. While Weiser pokes fun at junior’s antics back when he is a frat boy at Yale he also opens the door to Bush’s prior problem with alcohol. Some may believe that guzzling Jack Daniels in the basement of the fraternity house causes one to develop alcoholism, rather Bush’s love for the juice derived from his constant failure in the eyes of his father.

By the end of the film Weiser has you almost feeling sorry for the man who has sullied our country’s good name for the past eight years. Triumphing over alcoholism and winning the election, twice no less, shows Mr. President in a positive light, only to shoot him back down to where he belongs when he realizes that his term in its entirety has been nothing but an utter failure.

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