Monday, November 10, 2008

Fox 61 Studio--Election Night

The opportunity to visit the Fox 61 studio in Hartford is not one that arises every day. It was a unique experience that was very educational. Being a broadcast journalism major, the chance to see the behind the scenes aspect of a studio was very exciting. Although I have taken classes in the mock studio we have at Quinnipiac University, I enjoyed seeing the real thing. What I found most interesting was the studio itself, and the back wall that rises for the morning show to create a different atmosphere fascinated me. Something as simple as a rising back drop can make such a difference when watching on television. Another aspect was that during the evening news the back drop is down, so anything going on behind the anchor desk can be seen on air.
Being able to see the anchors perform live was also very education. Watching the anchors execute techniques I have learned in classes gave me a new perspective on how to go about them. I also enjoyed my experience in the control room. The producer had to make split second decisions on what to cut, and how to basically form the news that would shortly be aired. Hoping one day to be a producer, actually being able to see how it is done was very educational, and although it is a stressful and demanding position I hope to one day achieve that success. The experience as a whole was one I would not trade for anything. Even the simplicity of observing the news and all that takes to air it, has given me a new and exciting perspective on the world of broadcast, and I look forward to hopefully breaking into that field.

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