Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama vs McCain on Gay Marraige

With the upcoming presidential election just around the corner, American citizens are weighing the “Pro’s and Con’s” of both candidates. For most the decision is made based upon which issue is most important to them. Whether the topic is social security, health care, or abortion, the candidate with whom you most agree is the one you wish to see in office. For same sex couples, their topic of concern is gay marriage, a continuous battle homosexuals have been fighting for quite some time. Luckily there have been many advances in state legislation to legalize gay marriage and all of its entities. Carol Buckheit, a representative for Love Makes a Family, an organization located in Hartford, CT says “In our view, treating same-sex couples differently under the law is unconstitutional. We are calling on our courts and legislators to give these couples equal protection under the law.” Republican candidate Senator McCain’s position on the issue is not so accepting. Although he does not believe that a ban on gay marriage should be a constitutional amendment, he also feels that same sex couples should not reap the same benefits as a traditional marriage. However, opposing Democratic candidate Senator Obama, believes same sex marriages, should receive the same rights as those who are traditionally married. Carol Buckheit, when asked in general terms which candidate had a more fair position she says, “Senator Obama’s position on equality for homosexuals is more supportive than Senator McCain’s. Senator Obama supports benefits and protections for same-sex couples and a fully-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He also opposes the federal marriage amendment and bans on adoption for homosexuals. Senator McCain does not support many of these things.” So for those who are planning a same-sex lifestyle the choice is obvious.

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